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Q: Should I register to order a product from Kehnobi?
KV: Yes, a registration is required. You will gain a couple advantages from being registered member.
Q: How do I register?
KV: To register an account on Kehnobi you have to click "Sign up" and enter your email address and password.
Q: How do I log in?
KV: To log in you have to click "Login" and enter your email address and password.
Q: What should I do if I've forgot my password?
KV: If you forget a password to your Kehnobi account, you can go to "Forgot password" and follow instructions to restore it.
Q: How do I buy on Kehnobi?
KV: You must have a registered account to buy on Kehnobi. When you are logged in, you have to choose desired products and go through our checkout process.
Q: How can I contact Customer Support?
KV: To contact Customer Support please visit our Contact center.
Q: How do I know if I have any notifications?
KV: When you have unread notifications, you will see an indicator at the top of the page.
Q: What is meant by statuses next to my order?

KV: Each status means the state of an order placed by customer:

  • Pending - Awaiting for customer payment
  • Processing - Order is being processed. Usually it takes up to 5 minutes.
  • On hold - Order is on hold in the realization.
  • Complete - Order is processed
  • Closed - Orders closed by administrator
  • Canceled - Order canceled
  • Expired - Order expired
  • Suspected Fraud - Suspected fraud when ordering
Q: What is Credits and how to use it?
KV: Credits is a reward that customers receive according to internal Kehnobi Bonus program. You can pay with Credits not more than 50% of every order. After new Order have been placed, choose Bonus value you want to spend and when apply it. You can find more information about Credits and Kehnobi Affiliate Program in here.
Q: Is my Credit Card info seen?
KV: Never; only the payment services we use can see your card information, which is necessary for them to take the payment. All the pages on our site where you need to enter your personal or credit card information are secured.
Q: How long does it usually take to send me the Product Code?
KV: We usually send you the Product Code within 10 - 15 minutes after receiving your payment. If it's taking a bit longer than usual, please contact our Support Team to check if there are any issues with your order.
Q: What payment methods are accepted?
KV: We accept the most popular payment methods, such as Credit/Debit cards, Bank Transfers, as well as payment methods only available locally in specific countries.

If you have questions not mentioned here, feel free to Contact Us.

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  • Privacy Policy
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